Unit of Traffic Medicine and Psychology (UMPT)
CURML's (Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale) Traffic Medicine and Psychology Unit carries out:
- Fitness-to-drive medical assessments (medical assessments performed by a level 4 physician, specialist in Traffic Medicine according to the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine - SSML)
- Fitness-to-drive psychological assessments (psychological assessments performed by a psychologist specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP)
- Medical-psychological assessments of fitness-to-drive (medical-psychological assessments performed by a level 4 physician, specialist in Traffic Medicine according to the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine – SSML and a psychologist specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP).
The law governing the admission to road traffic (OAC) defines 4 levels of qualification for specialists that are experts in traffic medicine.
Level 4 doctors carry out all traffic medicine assessment concerning ability to drive and fitness-to-drive.
If you have received an administrative decision from the competent cantonal authority (OCV, SAN, SCAN, OCN, OCRN, OVJ, SCN) pertaining to
- preventive withdrawal of driver's license,
- a security withdrawal of the driver's license,
- cancellation of a probationary driver's license,
- withdrawal of driver's license for two years,
- withdrawal of driver's license for five years,
- a ban on using a foreign driver's license on Swiss territory,
and whether you should submit
- a medical assessment of fitness to drive (performed by a level 4 physician, specialist in Traffic Medicine according to the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine - SSML)
- a psychological assessment of fitness to drive (performed by a psychologist specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP)
- a medical-psychological assessment of fitness to drive (performed by a level 4 physician, specialist in Traffic Medicine according to the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine – SSML and a psychologist specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP)
you can contact our unit.
CURML's Traffic Medicine and Psychology Unit is equipped with
- two level 4 physicians, specialist in Traffic Medicine according to the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine – SSML
- two psychologists, specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP
and carries out medical and psychological assessments of fitness to drive in the cantons of Geneva, Vaud, Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Jura.
Our level 4 physicians are fluent in French, English, Spanish and Italian.
If you need to undergo toxicological sampling and analysis
- to get your driver's license back
- to regain the right to drive in Switzerland
and you must contact a level 4 physician
to undergo toxicological sampling and analysis required by the cantonal authority (toxicological tests on hair and/or urine and/or blood),
you can contact our unit.
Our psychologists also perform the psycho-technical assessments required in the event of three consecutive failed practical driving tests.
CURML's Traffic Medicine and Psychology Unit is equipped with
- two level 4 physicians, specialist in Traffic Medicine according to the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine – SSML
- two psychologists, specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP
and carries out medical and psychological assessments of fitness to drive in the cantons of Geneva, Vaud, Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Jura.
Our level 4 physicians are fluent in French, English, Spanish and Italian.
Our level 4 physicians can perform all medical (levels 1, 2, 3 and 4), fitness-to-drive medical assessment and are recognized by cantonal authorities throughout Switzerland.
Our psychologists, specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP, can perform all psychological fitness-to-drive assessment and are recognized by cantonal authorities throughout Switzerland.
Our offices are located in the cantons of Geneva, Vaud, Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Jura.
Site and access maps
Geneva : Rue Jean-Violette 32, 1205 Genève
Lausanne : Rue Saint-Martin 26, 1005 Lausanne, on the 1st floor, access map
Nyon : Av. Reverdil 8, 1260 Nyon
Rennaz : Espace Santé Rennaz, route des Tilles 6A – 1847 Rennaz
Yverdon-les-Bains : EHNV, Rue d'Entremonts 11, 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
Givisiez : Route André Piller 16, 1762 Givisiez
Delémont : Le Point Santé, route de Rossemaison 48 , 2800 Delémont
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 13:30 am to 17:00 pm
- Telephone reception (Tel : 021 316 62 50) : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 08h00-11h00 and 14h00-16h00
- Preferred means of communication, E-mail : umtr@chuv.ch
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 08h30 to 12h00 and from 13h00 to 17h00
- Telephone reception (Tel : 022 372 19 30): Monday to Friday, 08h30-12h00 and 13h00-17h00
- Address : Rue Jean-Violette 32, 1205 Genève.
- Postal address : Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4, 1211 Genève 14
- Preferred means of communication, E-mail : umpt@hug.ch