Medical Law, Ethics and Humanitarian Medicine (DMMH)
Research & Training
Academic training & research Section
Humanitarian legal medicine Section
- CAS "Droit, médecine légale et science forensique en Afrique", from August 2024 to Ferbruary 2025
- Summer school about "Privation de liberté et médecine pénitenciaire", from 8 to 13 July 2024, deadline for registration: June 8
The DMMH carries out research that leads to numerous publications in several fields.
Law and ethics
Prof. Bernice Elger (Archive ouverte UNIGE) ( Prizes and awards: Professor Bernice Elger has been awarded the “CMPR, Prize for research in Primary Care Medicine 2010” for her research work on medical confidentiality, published in the British Journal of General Practice. She presented her work at the primary care conference in Lucerne on 24.6.2010.)
Dr Ghislain Patrick Lessene (Archive ouverte UNIGE ; www.ceja.ch)
Some recent publications
Most recent published works
By Ghislain Patrick Lessène and Damien Scalia, Larcier July 2023.
by Fabrice Jotterand, Marcello Ienca, Tenzin Wangmo, Bernice Elger (eds.), Oxford University Press 2019
By Ghislain Patrick Lessène, Clothilde Alves Vieira, Editions Universitaires Européennes 2018
by Bernice Elger, Catherine Ritter, Heino Stöver (eds.) Springer 2016