Unit of Traffic Medicine and Psychology (UMPT)
- Fitness-to-drive medical assessments (medical assessments performed by a level 4 physician, specialist in Traffic Medicine according to the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine - SSML)
- Fitness-to-drive psychological assessments (psychological assessments performed by a psychologist specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP)
- Medical-psychological assessments of fitness-to-drive (medical-psychological assessments performed by a level 4 physician, specialist in Traffic Medicine according to the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine – SSML and a psychologist specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP)
- psycho-technical assessments required in the event of three consecutive failed practical driving tests (assessments performed by a psychologist specialist in traffic psychology according to the Swiss Society of Psychology FSP)
- samples and toxicological analyses (toxicological analyses on hair and/or urine and/or blood) to recover a driver's license or to regain the right to drive in Switzerland, which must be carried out by a level 4 physician (specialist in Traffic Medicine according to the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine - SSML) according to the decision of the cantonal authority (OCV, SAN, SCAN, OCN, OCRN, OVJ, SCN).